The library will be closed at all locations on the following days:
Monday, January 20th (in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
Friday, January 24th (Staff Development/In Service Day)

The library's temporary locations are at the Beech Street Center and the E.C. Benton Library. For more information, including hours of operation, please click here.

Library Building Project History

In 2016, the Town commissioned a library feasibility study at the request of the Library Trustees. The feasibility study concluded that a new library building would most effectively meet the Town’s library needs, as the current building is a poor candidate for renovation. In 2017, the appointment of a Library Building Committee was authorized by Town Meeting.

The Library Building Committee spent two years evaluating the current library’s building infrastructure and usage data, interviewing library staff and patrons, conducting wide-reaching community surveys, facilitating focus groups, meeting with community members, town organizations and other key stakeholders, and holding multiple community forums.

On Tuesday, November 12, 2019, the Library Building Committee and architects from Oudens Ello Architecture presented final schematic designs at a community meeting in the Assembly Room of the Belmont Public Library. These designs reflect extensive research, feedback, and input and exemplify a library that will meet the needs of Belmont residents for years to come.

After a pause during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, we continued the effort to advocate for the need of this project, and worked with the Library Foundation on a very successful fundraising drive in the Fall of 2021. On October 4th, 2021 the Selectboard committed to a community wide vote in November of 2022, and we began plans for a 2nd fundraising drive which took place in the spring of 2022. This was also very successful and brought the total funds raised to $5 million. The November vote confirmed voter support for the project, and we now have approval to borrow the funds needed to complete the new building.

The documents below represent the process of developing the building design and budget over a period of years. While they are accurate to the facts at the time, they are now outdated information. For the latest design documents, and cost figures, please visit the Current Building Project Area

Belmont Public Library: Our Building is Failing video

2017-2021 Schematic Design Archive

October 2021 Joint Meeting with Select Board

Schematic Design Executive Summary

12/19 Final Schematic Design Documents

November 2019 Open Public Forum #6 Video Recording

November 2019 Open Public Forum #6 Final Schematic Design Presentation

Zero Net Energy Analysis & Sustainability Slides

Building Committee Final Schematic Design Presentation Press Release

Fall 2019 Town Meeting Slides

Other Building Committee Documents

Feasibility Study Documents

Feasibility Study Meetings

Previous Building Projects Documentation

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