Join players from across the country with a virtual Super Dungeon that runs from June 23rd-August 6th. This year, discover a new world and what is beyond in a game like no other.
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This theme reveal was written by Ella Sheffield, Theme Master of Super Dungeon 2023.
Transmission from Althean Outpost Station #413
Received by University of Peraxia Station
Panstellar Standard Count 1210367.602
No translation in effect
Message follows:
Hey Prof! Sera here. So, you’re going to hear about this in a few days in the usual report anyway, but it’s real weird, so I figured I should shoot you a heads-up now, see if you’ve got any insight. It happened only a couple days ago, so about panstan 121365? Basically, I was out on sample collection with Jezper and a few of the interns — looking for that Tradescantia arcana I told you about — when we found this patch of forest that was all grown over with this weird purplish-red fungus. It didn’t look like anything we recognized, so of course Jezper starts freaking out. I mean, you know how they get about new species of mushroom. Except then we started looking closer, and it turns out that this fungus isn’t just growing on the other plants. It’s more like it’s changing the host plants, so like trees are sprouting purple bark and weird growths and stuff? It even looked like it was changing the soil composition, which makes no sense. Anyway, one of the interns touched one of the fungal growths and a big puff of spores came out, which is when I decided to call the expedition. Until we can figure out the proper safety procedures for this thing I don’t want to put any rookies in harm’s way, so all I’ve got is one sample I grabbed to take back to the lab. If you know anything about what’s happening here, send me a wave! It’d be super helpful.
Sera out.
Transmission from Government Station of Upper Treeside
Received by <Coordinate code: Althea, Subset: All>
Panstellar Standard Count 1210399.240
No translation in effect
Message follows:
The Council of Surface Governments has declared a state of emergency in regards to continuing spread of the invasive biological entity colloquially known as “the Mold”. ALL RESIDENTS OF THE NORTHERN SURFACE REGIONS ARE ADVISED TO EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY. Residents of the Eastern and Southern regions are likewise advised to be on high alert as government teams will be deploying with flame weapons and atmospheric chemicals in an attempt to slow the spread. DO NOT EXIT YOUR DWELLINGS WHILE GOVERNMENT TEAMS ARE WORKING. DO NOT APPROACH ANY MOLD-INFECTED AREAS. If you detect any signs of the Mold entering your community, notify emergency response officials in your area at once.
Transmission from Municipality of North Kima Station
Received by Upper Treeside Station #28
Panstellar Standard Count 1210408.114
No translation in effect
Message follows:
Dal, it’s Isbel. They say the aetherwave network’s failing for a lot of the surface stations, so this might be the last transmission I can send. Listen, you’ve got to get out of there. I’m right on the edge here, and I don’t care what the government says, it’s not slowing down. But they say it doesn’t travel through rock nearly as well as overland, so the Underdark might still be safe for a while. The government’s trying to negotiate that deal with the corporations down there but don’t wait for that to get sorted. Just take your kids, take Mom and Dad, and leave. Before it’s too late.
I love you.
Transmission from Interstellar Peace Confederation Station #8803
Received by Interstellar Peace Confederation Station #0002
Panstellar Standard Count 1210529.507
Translated from Orthio’o
Message follows:
Inquiry. Has unusual information been received regarding the planet Althea? We have received no aetherwave communications from this planet in 120 count, the longest recorded silence since first contact. Several members of our craft who had regular communications have become concerned, although we are aware that their space initiatives have encountered troubles with <No direct translation. Closest approximations: bureaucracy, excrement.> in the past. If no information has been received, we recommend reinitiating communications speedily. Pleasantries from the crew of the <No direct translation. Proper noun.> .
Transmission from Interstellar Peace Confederation Station #0002
Received by Althean Underground Station #1
Panstellar Standard Count 1210534.875
Translated from Orthio’o
Message follows:
ALTHEA, confirm. You report an invasive biological hazard overtaking the surface of your planet? And you also report no physical contact with interstellar traveling civilizations? Confirm.
Transmission from Interstellar Peace Confederation Station #0002
Received by Althean Underground Station #1
Panstellar Standard Count 1210931.663
Translated from Orthio’o
Message follows:
Response to Althean Request for Aid #23. Unfortunately, risk estimates maintain that it remains excessively dangerous for external craft to approach your planet. No direct aid will be supplied at this time. However, your secondary request of free travel in IPC starspace and permission to colonize has been sent for review to the IPC Transportation Administration. You may anticipate a response in 500-700 count. Pleasantries from IPC Central.
Transmission from Interstellar Peace Confederation Station #0002
Received by Althean Underground Station #1
Panstellar Standard Count 1211759.419
Translated from Orthio’o
Message follows:
Response to Althean Inquiry Regarding Travel and Colonization Permissions. Free travel permissions have been granted to all registered Althean spacecraft, provided craft comply with IPC reduced violence regulations. Colonization permissions have been granted under a limited license, subject to the following restrictions: First, no colonization efforts may be undertaken on planets inhabited by beings of Intelligence Class 3 or higher. Second, no colonization efforts may be undertaken in star systems currently claimed by an IPC participating civilization. Third, no colonization or exploration craft are permitted to contain weapons of grade-4 (planet ending) or higher. Fourth, thorough biological hazard decontamination protocols must be followed for all craft leaving Althea, in accordance with the standardized IPC procedures. [See IPC Standards Document 7010-W009]. Failure to comply with these regulations will result in expulsion from the IPC and reclassification as a hostile civilization. Pleasantries from IPC Central.
Transmission from High Extrasolar Research Observatory Station #1
Received by <Coordinate code: Althea, Subset: All>
Panstellar Standard Count 1219127.300
No translation in effect
Message follows:
After a lot of setbacks, we here at the High Extrasolar Research Observatory are pleased to announce that the first Althean Waystation is up and running! For the first time, our planet is now capable of interstellar travel! That means that it’s time to officially put out the call: we are looking for volunteers to be part of our first contingent of space explorers. We need as many volunteers as possible to search for new worlds for our people to live on. So, anyone who’s interested in the continuing survival of their species, sign up now! We’re serious; this could not be any more urgent. We’ll take anyone!