The library's temporary locations are at the Beech Street Center and the E.C. Benton Library. For more information, including hours of operation, please click here.

Beyond the Aether: Theme Teaser


Join players from across the country with a virtual Super Dungeon that runs from June 23rd-August 6th. This year, discover a new world and what is beyond in a game like no other.

Pre-Register for the Super Dungeon Here.

This theme reveal was written by Ella Sheffield, Theme Master of Super Dungeon 2023.

The planet, winding its way around its young blue star, is only one of thousands of similar pieces of rock in the remote star cluster. But that matters little. The network begins to expand.

Transmission from Althean Outpost Station #413
Received by University of Peraxia Station
Panstellar Standard Count 1210367.602
No translation in effect
Message follows:

Hey Prof! Sera here. So, you’re going to hear about this in a few days in the usual report anyway, but it’s real weird, so I figured I should shoot you a heads-up now, see if you’ve got any insight. It happened only a couple days ago, so about panstan 121365? Basically, I was out on sample collection with Jezper and a few of the interns — looking for that Tradescantia arcana I told you about — when we found this patch of forest that was all grown over with this weird purplish-red fungus. It didn’t look like anything we recognized, so of course Jezper starts freaking out. I mean, you know how they get about new species of mushroom. Except then we started looking closer, and it turns out that this fungus isn’t just growing on the other plants. It’s more like it’s changing the host plants, so like trees are sprouting purple bark and weird growths and stuff? It even looked like it was changing the soil composition, which makes no sense. Anyway, one of the interns touched one of the fungal growths and a big puff of spores came out, which is when I decided to call the expedition. Until we can figure out the proper safety procedures for this thing I don’t want to put any rookies in harm’s way, so all I’ve got is one sample I grabbed to take back to the lab. If you know anything about what’s happening here, send me a wave! It’d be super helpful.

Sera out.

Transmission from Government Station of Upper Treeside
Received by <Coordinate code: Althea, Subset: All>
Panstellar Standard Count 1210399.240
No translation in effect
Message follows:


The Council of Surface Governments has declared a state of emergency in regards to continuing spread of the invasive biological entity colloquially known as “the Mold”. ALL RESIDENTS OF THE NORTHERN SURFACE REGIONS ARE ADVISED TO EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY. Residents of the Eastern and Southern regions are likewise advised to be on high alert as government teams will be deploying with flame weapons and atmospheric chemicals in an attempt to slow the spread. DO NOT EXIT YOUR DWELLINGS WHILE GOVERNMENT TEAMS ARE WORKING. DO NOT APPROACH ANY MOLD-INFECTED AREAS. If you detect any signs of the Mold entering your community, notify emergency response officials in your area at once.

Transmission from Municipality of North Kima Station
Received by Upper Treeside Station #28
Panstellar Standard Count 1210408.114
No translation in effect
Message follows:

Dal, it’s Isbel. They say the aetherwave network’s failing for a lot of the surface stations, so this might be the last transmission I can send. Listen, you’ve got to get out of there. I’m right on the edge here, and I don’t care what the government says, it’s not slowing down. But they say it doesn’t travel through rock nearly as well as overland, so the Underdark might still be safe for a while. The government’s trying to negotiate that deal with the corporations down there but don’t wait for that to get sorted. Just take your kids, take Mom and Dad, and leave. Before it’s too late.

I love you.

Flashes of light. Silence. It used to be louder here.

Transmission from Interstellar Peace Confederation Station #8803
Received by Interstellar Peace Confederation Station #0002
Panstellar Standard Count 1210529.507
Translated from Orthio’o
Message follows:

Inquiry. Has unusual information been received regarding the planet Althea? We have received no aetherwave communications from this planet in 120 count, the longest recorded silence since first contact. Several members of our craft who had regular communications have become concerned, although we are aware that their space initiatives have encountered troubles with <No direct translation. Closest approximations: bureaucracy, excrement.> in the past. If no information has been received, we recommend reinitiating communications speedily. Pleasantries from the crew of the <No direct translation. Proper noun.> .

Transmission from Interstellar Peace Confederation Station #0002
Received by Althean Underground Station #1
Panstellar Standard Count 1210534.875
Translated from Orthio’o
Message follows:

ALTHEA, confirm. You report an invasive biological hazard overtaking the surface of your planet? And you also report no physical contact with interstellar traveling civilizations? Confirm.

Transmission from Interstellar Peace Confederation Station #0002
Received by Althean Underground Station #1
Panstellar Standard Count 1210931.663
Translated from Orthio’o
Message follows:

Response to Althean Request for Aid #23. Unfortunately, risk estimates maintain that it remains excessively dangerous for external craft to approach your planet. No direct aid will be supplied at this time. However, your secondary request of free travel in IPC starspace and permission to colonize has been sent for review to the IPC Transportation Administration. You may anticipate a response in 500-700 count. Pleasantries from IPC Central.

Transmission from Interstellar Peace Confederation Station #0002
Received by Althean Underground Station #1
Panstellar Standard Count 1211759.419
Translated from Orthio’o
Message follows:

Response to Althean Inquiry Regarding Travel and Colonization Permissions. Free travel permissions have been granted to all registered Althean spacecraft, provided craft comply with IPC reduced violence regulations. Colonization permissions have been granted under a limited license, subject to the following restrictions: First, no colonization efforts may be undertaken on planets inhabited by beings of Intelligence Class 3 or higher. Second, no colonization efforts may be undertaken in star systems currently claimed by an IPC participating civilization. Third, no colonization or exploration craft are permitted to contain weapons of grade-4 (planet ending) or higher. Fourth, thorough biological hazard  decontamination protocols must be followed for all craft leaving Althea, in accordance with the standardized IPC procedures. [See IPC Standards Document 7010-W009]. Failure to comply with these regulations will result in expulsion from the IPC and reclassification as a hostile civilization. Pleasantries from IPC Central.

Transmission from High Extrasolar Research Observatory Station #1
Received by <Coordinate code: Althea, Subset: All>
Panstellar Standard Count 1219127.300
No translation in effect
Message follows:

After a lot of setbacks, we here at the High Extrasolar Research Observatory are pleased to announce that the first Althean Waystation is up and running! For the first time, our planet is now capable of interstellar travel! That means that it’s time to officially put out the call: we are looking for volunteers to be part of our first contingent of space explorers. We need as many volunteers as possible to search for new worlds for our people to live on. So, anyone who’s interested in the continuing survival of their species, sign up now! We’re serious; this could not be any more urgent. We’ll take anyone!

D&D Super Dungeon 2023 Theme Reveal


Last year’s D&D Super Dungeon brought in 900 attendees in over 100 interconnected games that culminated in the sealing of an ancient evil to maintain the balance of chaos and order in the universe. This year, players will take on a whole new reality with even bigger stakes crafted by our Theme Masters and over 10 GMs. Watch this teaser video for a special theme reveal of this summer’s next big adventure.

Prom Outfit Donations


The Belmont Public Library YA Services Department will be accepting donations of lightly-used black tie formal wear for our “Fancy ‘Fits” Prom Outfit Donation Drive. The only items being accepted on a rolling basis for this drive are the following:

  • heeled or flat formal shoes
  • two-piece or three-piece suits in adult sizes
  • men’s dress shoes
  • unaltered white dress shirts
  • formal ties or bowties
  • accessories relevant to an outfit (shawls, purses, hats, hair ornaments)

Please bring your donations to the Flett Room. There will be a hanging rack where you can drop off your donated items.

Any suits or gowns we deem unfit for reuse will be responsibly recycled. Please refrain from donating any formal wear that are in need of repair, stained, scuffed, or otherwise damaged.

Are you in need of a formal wear outfit?

Once all donated outfits are professionally cleaned thanks to the generous contributions of our Friends of the Library and partner dry cleaner, Sun Rite Cleaners, we will set-up appointments for students and their guests to browse our collection and select an outfit of their choice free of charge. Sun Rite Cleaners will offer a 10% discount for alterations for students who use Fancy ‘Fits for their prom outfits via a library voucher they obtain after selecting their chosen outfit. Date for appointments will be in April.

Where will the extra outfits be donated?

We have community partners in Arlington and Lexington who will distribute the remaining outfits from the collection to students in need.

Any questions?
Email the YA Services Librarian at [email protected] or leave a voice message at (617)993-2873.

The Great T(w)een Baking Challenge

Show off your home baking skills with the taste-test competition of the season! Students in grades 6-12 are invited to bake recipes at home and bring them to the library to be judged and shared with their friends. We will have three categories for this event:

  • Cookies
  • Cupcakes
  • Traybakes

Judging will begin at 10:30am and the event will then be open to the public at 11:00am. Hot cocoa will be provided for all participants. Disclaimer: this is a potluck event. We will require a list of ingredients to be submitted, but there will be no oversight from the Health Department on the quality of goods prepared.

Participants can pick up a Registration Form at the library or complete it online here: Complete Participant Registration.

Questions about this program can be directed to Hannah Lee, YA Services Librarian, at [email protected].

Planning for College

The library offers free resources for college applications and practice tests. View some of the things you can take advantage of with a free library card.

For Juniors:

Peterson’s Test Prep……….Online Resource
Contains over 300 practice tests and courses, dozens of ebooks containing valuable study material and practice tests, information on over 4,000 accredited schools, scholarship search featuring $8 billion in available scholarships, resume builder with over 1,000 brainstorming phrases to get you started, career modules covering subjects from career change to salary negotiations.

Log In Here

For Seniors:

College Essay Help…………By Appointment
From November 29-December 15, get thorough comments and advice about the structure and clarity of your essays from a third-party. View our Calendar for open 1:1 appointments with a librarian.

College Essay Panic!…………Limited Availability
Register for a virtual third-party review of your essay over winter break before the January 1st deadline. Limited Availability.

Register Here

Graphic Novel: Amulet Books 1-3

Below are summaries of books 1-3 with SPOILERS!

Amulet: The Stonekeeper by Kazu Kibuishi 

Reserve the Book

Our story begins with two siblings Emily and Navin and their mother and father. On the family’s way home, they get into a tragic accident and their father dies. After a two-year time jump and the disappearance of their grandpa, our characters move to their grandpa’s strange large house. Our protagonist Emily puts her hand on a scanner and it reveals an amulet on a necklace. The mother gets taken by a monster which leads the siblings to chase and end up at a strange house that feels alive. On their way, they meet with an elve that tries to attack Emily but with her amulet and her new powers, she defends herself. A robot takes them across a river to the new house known as the Charnon House. They meet many robots that seem to be taking care of their grandpa while he is on his deathbed. Grandpa Charnon gives some wise advice to Emily right before passing away. After that, through the use of advanced technology and aircraft, they catch the monster that has taken Emily and Navin’s mother. Emily uses her new powers to eliminate the monster but ends up crashing the aircraft into a deep and unknown forest. Our characters regroup and feel safe until they meet the elf that attacked them. With his stone, he quickly rips the monster and two and frees their mother. He grabs ahold of Emily and tells her to join him in defeating The Elf King. Emily breaks free from his grip and he runs away and once again our characters regroup at the Charnon House. With the help of the robots, their mother is starting to feel better. The house turns out to be a giant robot that can move. THE END.

Amulet: The Stonekeeper’s Curse by Kazu Kibuishi 

Reserve the Book

Our story begins when the Elf King orders Luger, who is an experienced stone keeper, to join the elf prince in his quest to find the stone keeper (Emily). Our protagonists have just arrived at the city of Kanalis with their robot house. Our main characters start looking for a doctor because it seems that Emily and Navin’s mother has gotten a severe disease from the monster that took her. On their way, they find a fox bounty hunter that seems suspicious but later proves that he is trustworthy. Leon (Fox Bounty Hunter), Emily, and Miskit (Rabbit Robot) together get split up with the rest of the group after being attacked. Emily and Leon defeat all the elves in their ways. Emily and Leon take the subway and find the underground resistance that leads them towards the tree of fruit that can save Emily’s mother from her disease. Meanwhile, Navin and his robots sneak back into their house and deceive the elves. Then Leon tells the story of the storekeepers that lost control. He tells Emily that the stone keepers turned into colossal beasts because the stones took control of the body. Fortunately, the resistance was able to destroy the power-hungry stone keeper except for one. He was a lonely elf and the elders were able to separate him from his stone and they locked him. He blew up the prison and that was the day the elf king was born. The elf prince gets captured after going rogue. Luger finds Emily and Leon in the forest of gadoba trees and attacks him and the elf prince saves Emily in the nick of time. Luger turns into a colossal beast and he rips both arms off their robot house. Emily gains control of the robot house using the amulet and defeats Luger controlling the house and faints because she used too much power. She woke up days later and recovered and her mother has healed as well. The End.

Amulet: The Cloud Searchers by Kazu Kibuishi 

Reserve the Book

Our story begins with Prince Trellis finding Luger hiding in a cave destroying his amulet. They get orders from the king to return to the base immediately but they are worried that they will get killed when they return. The Elf King sends out an assassin in order to kill the stonekeeper, Prince Trellis, and Luger. According to Leon, the only way to stay low is without traveling with the robot house. After a bar fight breaks out between Emily and Trellis against the elf guards, Enzo the bartender takes them into his ship and escapes the fight. Enzo and Rico, the pilots of our ship, believe that the lost city of ceilis can be found. While flying towards Ceilis Enzo warns the crew that thunderheads (flying drakes) will take you out unless you are inside. Foolishly, Miskit and Cogsley get taken and Emily wants to go back but Enzo tells them that the only way is to move forward. Our characters arrive at a gas station for ships and they plan to stay until morning. The assassin that the Elf King sent is lurking around ready to pounce. In the meantime, Prince Trellis tells Emily about his father, the Elf King. He explains how the Elf King is dead and the only thing that is keeping him alive is his stone. He explains that the key to bringing peace for the elf nation is to destroy the Elf King’s stone. In the morning while the crew is distracted setting up their ship the assassin sneaks his way into the ship. After Emily and Prince Trellis defeat the assassin, Max Griffin, a stonekeeper , arrives and tells them to board his ship and they will be safe under his command. Max has the location of Ceilis and can assure that no elves will be able to find them. THE END

-Summaries provided by Teen Volunteer, 9/18/22

To submit a review of your own, email the YA Services Librarian at [email protected] for our review submission form.

Game Review: Splatoon 2

Splatoon 2

Reserve the Nintendo Switch Console Game | Reserve Splatoon 3

The game starts with choosing character which is a squid and you get to choose how the squid human looks like after that you are sent to a map for starter guide the game will teach you the controls how to play and how it works. After you finish the starter guide you are now sent to a city with other people after that the game tells you to go to the biggest tower in the map which is the place where you get too choose the game you want to play but since you are still a starter you will be chosen to play the game mode the regular battle which is tram battle and try to paint the most in that map you can paint on top of the enemy’s paint and sometimes get rid of the enemy with the paint shooter. When you get shot by the paint shooter and die you will respawn in about 3 seconds. While playing the game you can start to play other game modes such as ranked, story mode and more. You also can unlock new shooters, roller which is also a weapon, sniper and more. You will also level up while playing this game. You can also play with some other friends and have fun. You may also unlock new shirts, hats and shoes that gives you special ability such as reduce the amount of damage you take when hit by a paint or walk faster or refill ink faster you can get all of these kind of ability’s by buying clothes and such with coins. You also can reroll the abilities if you want a new one or you also can unlock new ability space which is up to 4. I would recommend this game a lot if you like colorful and bright and a relaxing game.

-Review by Teen Volunteer, 9/10/22

To submit a review of your own, email the YA Services Librarian at [email protected] for our review submission form.

Book Review: Spy School Project X

Spy School Project X by Stuart Gibbs

Reserve the eBook | eAudio

This book is a fairly good book – however, it definitely isn’t as good as some of the previous Spy School books. The plot basically revolves around Murray Hill – the nemesis of the main character, Ben Ripley – posting lies about Ben on the internet under the name Agent X (a mysterious top-level agent at the CIA) accusing him of being at the center of a conspiracy as well as putting a bounty of $20 million on Ben’s head to try and get him killed. And to make things worse, people are actually buying Murray’s lies, absurd as they seem, and even expanding on them! Not only do they believe Ben is part of a plot to overthrow the government; they also believe that Ben’s a lizard alien! Ben has to try to find Murray and get him to clear his name and remove the bounty before it’s too late. And it’s not just assassins that are hunting Ben down – so are Joshua Hallal, Ashley Sparks, and Warren Reeves – all former members of the evil organization SPYDER, which Ben helped destroy.

So most of the book is basically Ben trying to figure out where Murray is and running away from bad guys. This really makes the book a lot less interesting and suspenseful – there were no big plot twists unless you count when Ben realizes that Joshua is actually after Murray, not him. However, that’s nowhere near as big as the revelations Ben normally makes where he figures out Murray/SPYDER’s evil genius plot that I never saw coming. I didn’t really like the ending either – Erica and Ben get Murray to try to clear Ben’s name but him telling the truth only causes people to believe his original lies even more (people believe Agent X has been brainwashed and that Ben is behind the brainwashing). So, in the end, a lot of people still believe Ben is an alien trying to overthrow the government. Usually, Spy School endings leave some sort of obstacle/challenge still present for Ben but he also has some sort of victory. However, in this case, there doesn’t seem to be much of a victory, which I highly disliked. Okay, enough criticism of this book – it does deserve some praise! As with the other Spy School books, this book is told through Ben’s perspective so we get to see everything through the eyes of a 13 year old boy.

Stuart Gibbs does a great job of not making Ben seem too mature for his age and Ben’s hilarious humor does make me laugh! Also, Gibbs does a great job keeping the book light, even while there are so many people hunting Ben down, making it a lot less intense (I really do appreciate this).

Finally, there’s some aspects of this book that I’m not sure whether I like or dislike. First, Erica Hale was always depicted as doing everything spy-related perfectly in previous books but in this book, Erica actually starts to doubt herself when she fails Ben, which is so unlike her! This change definitely made her seem more human but Erica was always known for being so UNhuman that it just seems kind of weird. Also, Ben has had a crush on Erica this whole series, but Erica used to think that relationships were too messy for spies so they never actually became a thing. But, in the previous book, Spy School at Sea, Erica realized that she may have been wrong and agreed to try a relationship with Ben. So now Ben and Erica are a thing and on the one hand, I’m glad that Ben is with Erica now because he deserves it, but on the other hand, it’s another sign of Erica starting to change in a way that I’m not sure I like. Overall, this is not a terrible book but it just doesn’t have the same spark as the previous Spy School books.

-Review by Teen Volunteer, 9/08/22

To submit a review of your own, email the YA Services Librarian at [email protected] for our review submission form.

Mentor Lottery for Students

Seeking a volunteer peer academic mentor for the school year? Starting September 1st, 2022, the Belmont Public Library will be accepting submissions for a Mentor Lottery to match students with older volunteer mentors to meet once a week for 1 hour as long as the volunteer is available to help with homework or explore new school subjects.

Successful lottery matches will be expected to start in early October and there will be rolling acceptances based on the flexibility of our volunteers.

As of August 31, 2022, we are not able to accept requests for student matches in grades K-3rd grade due to limited volunteer interest.

Peer-to-Peer Learning for Teens

Explore new topics and help prep for the school year with free classes and tutoring provided by the ambitious students of Belmont.

These community service peer mentoring services are not supervised by the library, but are advertised as being free and available to the community for their intended age groups.

SAT Peer Prep: See here for details and FAQ.

Belmont Free Lessons: Founded in March 2020 with the goal of providing free, additional learning opportunities within the Belmont community.

Leaders United for Change: This student-led National Organization has One on One Academic Mentoring available virtually for students in middle school and high school. View more information here.

Foreign Language Program (Ages 5-14)

The Foreign Immersion Program (FIP) is looking for youth students interested in expanding their novice knowledge of a foreign language!

Under the sponsorship of the Belmont Youth Commission, FIP facilitates foreign language tutoring for novice youth learners. FIP’s primary mission is to expand Massachusetts youth interest in, understanding of, and appreciation for languages and cultures different from their own.

Experienced high school students are recruited to volunteer their time in tutoring a younger learner in a foreign language. Mentors craft their own interactive lesson plans that include games, videos, songs, and more. We ask our mentors to inquire biweekly about conferencing with their mentee’s parents in order to provide them with an update on their child’s progress.

Participants will be paired with a mentor by early October and meet on an independently facilitated virtual platform weekly for 30 minutes to an hour. Your child’s mentor will directly correspond with them throughout the year after they are initially paired by our team. We accept mentees between the ages of 5 and 14 years old.

Here is the sign up link for students interested to be mentored in a foreign language: 

For questions about being a volunteer mentor, please email [email protected].

Due to a backlog of requests, the Mentor Match program hosted by Belmont Library is currently on hiatus. This post was updated 7/14/22.

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