The library at the Beech Street Center will be closing at 5pm on Thursday, 9/26. Normal hours will resume on Friday, 9/27.
The library's temporary locations are at the Beech Street Center and the E.C. Benton Library. For more information, including hours of operation, please click here.

Children’s Room Technology Policy

The Belmont Public Library does not control or monitor access to material which may be accessible from other Internet sites. The Belmont Public library adheres to the Minuteman Library Network’s Internet policy which states that In accordance with the American Library Association (ALA) Library Bill of Rights and a supplemental document entitled Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks, the Minuteman Library Network does not control or monitor access to material which may be accessible from other Internet sites.

Parents and guardians must assume responsibility for deciding which library resources are appropriate for their own children. Parents or legal guardians should guide their children in the use of the Internet and limit or restrict the access of their own children as they see fit.

In addition to this, the library does not monitor any direct electronic communication. Parents should instruct children NEVER to give out personal information (name, address, password, telephone number, credit card number) online.  The MLN policy also states that it is not acceptable to use the Internet access at MLN computers for illegal or abusive purposes.

In addition to this, the following internet/computer acceptable use guidelines must be followed:

  • Obey copyright, software and data laws and regulations.
  • You may not change the setup of the computer, add computer programs, or use any software that does not belong to the library.
  • You have the right to privacy in using the computer.
  • You must also respect the privacy of other computer users and their choices while using the computer, so long as they are in compliance with this policy.
  • Do not disturb others while using the computer.
  • Computers may be used for 30 minutes at a time. That time may be extended at the discretion of the Childrens staff.
  • If you have a problem with the computer, DO NOT try to fix it.  Please ask a librarian for help.
  • No more than two people may use one computer at a time.
  • Printing should be completed before the end of your turn.  The library charges 10 cents per page for printing.
  • Children have priority in using the computers in the Children’s Room .
  • Violation of this policy and procedures will result in loss of computer usage.

The library has iPads for children available for in-library use. The iPads have preloaded apps for children ages 2-9 selected by the Children’s Librarians. The following guidelines must be followed to use the library iPads; failure to follow these guidelines may result in the loss of iPad borrowing privileges.

 iPad must be signed out by an adult 18 years old or older.

  • iPads will be loaned out for 30 minutes at a time.
  • iPads must be used in the Children’s Room.
  • Adult supervision is required at all times.
  • The iPad must be returned directly to a Children’s Room employee to ensure proper check-in.
  • Loss or damage to an iPad may result in a patron being charged for the full replacement fee.

Approved November 17, 1998
Amended June 28, 2002
Amended December 17, 2015
Amended January 18, 2017

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