Letter from the Library Director

August 11, 2020
Dear Belmont Library Patrons,
Your involvement in our new programs and services has been the best compliment we could ever receive. I must thank you all for the feedback we have been receiving too. The messages of kindness, appreciation, and encouragement during this time have been the fuel we need to continue our efforts to provide you the best library experience possible.
We have expanded our Parking Lot Pickup service to include more slots per hour and an additional 30-minute slot. The service is available Monday – Friday from 10 am – 12:30 pm and 2 pm – 4 pm.
The library is also offering our Books on Wheels service for homebound residents, now with the support of our new community partner Belmont Helps. All community members are welcome to enjoy our virtual programming on Zoom. Look at our calendar to discover upcoming events for you and your families.
It is time for us to begin work on a new 5-year Long Range Plan. The changes in our service model this year have put us in a unique spot and inspired us to consider all the possibilities for the future. Please give us your feedback on the ways you have utilized the library during the past six months in this short survey.
We have had many inquiries asking us, “When will you be opening the library?” The plan for August had been to pay close attention to the Governor, and the guidance from the scientific and medical communities, with the hopes that we would see COVID-19 numbers decreasing as we got closer to September. Unfortunately, that has not been what is happening, as we saw Governor Baker tighten restrictions in the Commonwealth just last week. While we hope for a safer reality soon, the numbers have been trending in the wrong direction. For now, we will continue with the current service model, which keeps our building closed for the time being.
We are keeping in close communication with our neighboring libraries and Belmont Town leadership. I expect that when the data are trending in a safer direction, we will see more libraries and town buildings take a phased approach to open buildings. For now, our services will continue to live online and in our parking lot. As a reminder, your online library is OPEN — we have a wealth of digital offerings available to you 24/7/365.
If you need to jump on a Zoom call or complete a form online, please feel free to sit in your cars in the library’s parking lot to use our free Wi-Fi. While you’re outside the library, take note of our new birdfeeders on the library property, provided to us by a grant donation from the Mass Audubon Society.
We will see you soon, either on the library grounds or online through our virtual library offerings. Thank you.
Your Library Director,
Peter J. Struzziero
[email protected]