The library's temporary locations are at the Beech Street Center and the E.C. Benton Library. For more information, including hours of operation, please click here.

New Financial Resource – Try It Out!

Try out the new Weiss Financial Ratings database, available as a 6-month trial, and take charge of your financial health.  Check ratings and performance of not only stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs, but also your bank, credit union, and insurance companies – all in one place.

Set up a “watch list” of the securities and companies you follow and get automatic alerts when ratings change.  Read news and opinion articles about investment topics by experienced Weiss Ratings analysts.  Create your own “screeners” to compare companies or investments using criteria that are important to you.

Compare the new Weiss Ratings to our other investment databases and tell us which ones we should keep:

  • Morningstar Investment Research Center offers independent ratings and analysis for stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs as well as tools for evaluating the asset mix of your portfolio and your financial readiness for college tuition payments or retirement.
  • Value Line Research Center provides in-depth research on companies, industries, markets, and economies and evaluates stocks using ratings of timeliness (performance projections), safety, and financial strength.

All three databases offer independent analysis and provide educational materials, such as articles, videos, or short courses on investment topics. Find them on our website at Subject Guide > Business and Career.  ​At-home access requires a Belmont library card.  ​

Which of the three databases best meet your needs? To let us know which investment resources you would like us to provide, please take our five-minute survey. Want help?  Email: [email protected] or call 617-993-2870.

Literary Criticism That Is…

We’ve got it!  Salem Literature and Artemis Literary Sources are two great resources you can access right from home.  Go to Services > E-Resources > Subject Guide > Literature.

Salem Literature has biographies and criticism in ebooks organized around specific authors (e.g. Orwell, Steinbeck, Walker…) and specific themes (e.g. dystopia, the hero’s quest…).  It also gives you access to plot overviews (scroll down to “Masterplots”).

Artemis Literary Sources contains biographical essays, criticism, and plot overviews, for more than 130,000 authors.  Hint: Search for your author or title in the “advanced search,” and then use the filters on the right side of the page to refine your results.

If you need help, Ask a librarian or call 617-993-2870.




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