Book Club Kits

What is a Book Club Kit?
We want to make life a little easier for your book club. We have prepared Book Club Kits: bags that contain 8 copies of the same book, possibly enough for all the members of your book club. Each kit also contains a notebook with book discussion questions and suggestions for finding reviews of the book and information about the author.
How can I get one?
Book Club Kits are available at the circulation desk. One person checks out the kit and distributes the books to other members of the book club. Kits can be checked out for 6 weeks with one renewal. To request a kit, please go to the reference desk or call a reference librarian at 617-993-2870. (Book Club Kits cannot be requested online.) Book Club Kits should be returned to the circulation desk at the Belmont Public Library, not to other libraries or placed in the book drops.
What titles do you have?
Search the catalog for “Book Club Kit” and limit your search to the Belmont Public Library; you will see which kits are currently available. Lists of Book Club Kit titles also are included in each kit. We hope to add more kits if you like this program.
What happens if you lose a book? Or return it late?
There are no overdue fines for Book Club Kits anymore; if your group happens to lose a book, please replace it with a new paperback copy of the book, or pay a $10 replacement fee.
The Book Club Kits are proudly supported by Belmont Savings Bank Foundation who donated the funding for new canvas bags.