Access for All

Website – Please read our Accessibility statement. The following website procedures and notices can be found via the links:
Low Vision Reader-For those having trouble reading text or even seeing a picture as clearly as they would like the library has a Merlin elite HD/OCR low vision reader. The device will magnify whatever you place underneath its lens onto its large HD closed circuit screen, it even displays digital screens clearly. Please contact the reference department at 617-993-2870 or [email protected] if you have any questions.
Large Print Books – We have a large collection of large print books for adults in the West Wing and for Children in the Children’s room. These books are suitable for those who have trouble reading standard sized type.
Audio Books – We have audio books on CD, and PlayAways (portable MP3 players) for all age levels.
Kindles – The library has Kindles, available for checkout, preloaded with a range of books. The size of the font can be easily enlarged.
Wheelchair Access – The library is wheelchair accessible with ground floor entry and an elevator. If you need any assistance accessing materials in the library please contact the Reference Desk at 617-993-2870.
Computers – All of our public internet computers are equipped with Microsoft’s basic accessibility software including the on-screen keyboard, narrator and magnifier.
- Microsoft’s Magnifier. This opens a floating window that displays an enlarged view of part of the screen.
- Microsoft’s On-Screen Keyboard. This displays a virtual keyboard on the computer screen that allows people with mobility impairments to type data by using the mouse.
- Microsoft’s Narrator. Narrator is a text-to-speech program (or basic screen reader) that is built into Windows. Narrator reads menus without leaving the active window.
Other resources – For more information about accessibility resources available to Massachusetts residents we recommend contacting the Perkins School for the Blind, Massachusetts Commission for the Blind, and Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The Reference desk is happy to contact any of these resources on your behalf. Please come into the library or call us at 617-993-2870.