The library's temporary locations are at the Beech Street Center and the E.C. Benton Library. For more information, including hours of operation, please click here.

Revisions to Library Holds Pickup Service

In response to the rising COVID-19 numbers in Massachusetts, and Governor Baker’s request for increased safety measures, we have taken steps to provide a new service model which will reduce the amount of physical contact between staff and patrons. We wish things were going in the other direction, but the reality is that what we care about most is the safety of you all, and of our library staff.

Out of an abundance of caution we have taken steps to move towards a more contact free model. We will now be offering pickup of various materials through a window service on each floor.

On the lower level, we will serve children’s patrons and patrons with limited mobility out the window of the Children’s Room, just off the parking lot and to the right of the main door.

On the main floor, we will serve adult patrons out of the window to the right of the main doors. Patrons will be allowed to pickup materials and museum passes on hold at a table just below the window. If you would like to call a few minutes ahead of your arrival time, your materials will be prepared for you in advance – however calling in advance is not required.

  • For pickup of children’s materials or for mobility assistance, come to the window by the Children’s Room entrance. (If calling in advance, please call the Children’s Room at 617-993-2880)
  • For adult and YA materials, come to the window by the main entrance on Concord Avenue. (If calling in advance, please call the Circulation Desk at 617-993-2855)
  • For pickup of print outs and museum passes, call the Reference Desk at 617-993-2870

Pickup hours are as follows:

  • Monday – Thursday 10:00am – 1:00pm & 2:00pm – 6:00pm
  • Friday and Saturday 10:00am – 1:00pm & 2:00pm – 5:00pm

Available virtually: We will continue to offer our digital library from the comfort of your home. Our Reference Librarians will be available via live chat, email, and phone to help you with reference questions during operating hours. We will continue to issue museum passes for those institutions that are open.

In the coming days, we will work to begin a new service allowing patrons the ability to securely email personal documents for printing and pickup. Please keep an eye on our website for this announcement.

While we have had to make these adjustments who hope that this service will be well utilized and provide you a good library experience while the pandemic continues to affect our lives. We will continue to waive library fines for the time being, so if you need any extra day or two with that book, please know that you will not be charged.

More details will be shared as they are finalized.

Kind regards, 

Peter J. Struzziero
Library Director

Book Review: Gathering Frost

The Gathering Frost by Kaitlyn Davis

Reserve the eBook | eAudio

Gathering Frost by Kaitlyn Davis re-imagines the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty in a dystopian romance. Years ago, an earthquake hit New York, separating the heroine of this story, Jade, from her mother. Years later, the city is nothing like it was before: instead of cement roads, there are cobblestone streets; instead of cars, there are horses and carriages; instead of houses and skyscrapers, there is a single towering castle. Above all, New York now has a queen with the ability to strip emotions away. Jade, too, has changed; she no longer has feelings, her heart cold as ice, and she works as part of the all-women queen’s guards, the Black Hearts, where spends her days staring at the ruins of the city. However, things start to take a turn when the queen’s son, Asher, returns from his runaway. For once in Jade’s life since the earthquake, she starts to feel emotion, from Asher’s constant taunts that spark anger to his steady gaze that cause her heart to skip a beat. As Jade and Asher grow closer, Jade’s icy heart starts to melt, and she begins to question her loyalty; is she on the queen’s side or Asher’s?

Jade won me over as soon as she introduces herself: “I wish I could say I was the hero of the story. A resister. A rebel. Someone who lived to bring an end to the queen who stole my childhood—my mother, my life, my very world. But I’m not. I’m not the good guy. I’m the one who puts the good guys in their graves.” From the start, I understood that Jade is going to be an unconventional heroine that I am going to love. Honestly, the novel was a delightful read, especially the romance within. The romance between Jade and Asher was slow and sweet, with plenty of moments between the two that was swoony and adorable. Davis was able to make the simplest acts of touching hands to looking in each others’ eyes way more compelling than that of romance scenes packed with complex actions. Additionally, there was no love triangle in sight, which I greatly appreciated. The only complaint that I have about this book is that I feel like it doesn’t completely represent the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale. Even though I can see how it incorporates the classic tale, there’s just not enough resemblance; if I were to go into the book without knowing that it’s supposed to be a retelling of Sleeping Beauty, I would have no idea until about half-way through the book. On the other hand, Gathering Frost does give off a fairy tale vibe, due to some things being too convenient and the fulfilling ending (it checks off all the boxes in a fairy tale). Overall, I enjoyed Gathering Frost, and I look forward to reading the next book in the Once Upon a Curse series, Withering Rose.

This is the book for you if you enjoy re imagined fairy tales with kick-ass heroines and story lines filled with cliché romance along with action scenes.

-Review by Teen Advisory Board Member, 11/30/20

Book Review: Another Faust

Another Faust by Daniel & Dina Nayeri

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Another Faust by Daniel and Dina Nayeri is a novel about five children—Bicé, Belle, Victoria, Valentine, and Christian—who all disappeared from England one night, only to appear again in New York as teenagers with their governess, Madame Vileroy. Their mysterious appearance causes rumors to arise, and their outstanding progress in one of New York’s most prestigious high school adds to the aura of strangeness that surrounds the five. As the group continues to rise above with the help of their governess, who gives each one of them a gift (ability to stop time, to have extreme beauty, to read minds, to turn back time, and to steal anything), the five soon find that their successes come with a cost: their souls. As their wicked governess continues to supply their gifts, each individual struggles with whether to continue with their sins or to give up their power while still given the chance.

In my opinion, Another Faust has an extremely captivating story line that I didn’t expect it to have when I went into reading, and it was also thought-provoking. The way the authors crafted the characters was another thing that I enjoyed because I can relate to each of them through my struggles as a human with perfection and the prices I’ve paid in my own life to overachieve. However, although the premise and the characters of the story are amazing, I sensed as if something was missing while reading; it just wasn’t enough. My only complaint about this novel is I feel the authors could have expanded more on the plot and the characters to make it richer darker, deeper, and more elaborate—if it did, it might’ve been one of the most clever and creative books I’ve ever read.

Although Another Faust may not be at its full potential, I believe it is worth the read. It has enough complexity to get the reader wanting to find out more and truly is a refreshing supernatural read.

Book Review: The Secret Runners

The Secret Runners by Matthew Reilly

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This book is about Skye: a teenage girl who has the perfect life. Or at least, that’s what it looks like. Skye (or Blue as some people call her) lives in one of New York’s most expensive apartments with her Mom, her super rich stepdad, and her brother, Red. She goes to one of New York’s most exclusive private schools. But Skye’s life isn’t perfect, and she knows it. She doesn’t particularly like her mother who judges her all the time, and she misses her father. She’s really an outcast at school, even though she started out really popular at her old school. Oh, the world is going to end on March 17th. At least that’s what the old wacko scientist said before he died. Skye isn’t sure what to think about the world ending, but she doesn’t have much time to think about it. Red has just told her about a tunnel – a very secret tunnel that only the popular crew knows about. A tunnel that can transport you somewhere… but where? When Skye finally gets an invitation to go into the tunnel, she realizes that the tunnel leads to a different New York… but where? With the world (maybe) coming to an end, Skye needs to figure out where this tunnel leads to… and fast.

I really liked the realistic aspect of this book. Even with it being a dystopian book, all the other elements except for the tunnel were things I can imagine happening in real life. It took place with most of the main characters as high schoolers, and the author did a really good job of making the characters really realistic. I also loved that this was a dystopian book, and it was a little scary, but not too much.

I usually don’t like thriller books, but I think this was a great one for anyone looking for a good book to read.

The only thing I didn’t like about this book was that there were some parts about it that were pretty predictable, and there were also a lot of swear words in it. Overall, I give this book 4.5/5! I thought it was pretty good!

-Review by Teen Advisory Board Member, 11/30/20

Book Review: The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett

The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett by Chelsea Sedoti

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The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett revolves around Hawthorn Creely’s quest to solve Lizzie Lovett, her town’s beloved resident, sudden disappearance when she went camping with her boyfriend. At first, finding Lizzie was the whole town’s goal, and hundreds of rumors spread all coming down to the focus that Lizzie’s boyfriend killed her. However, as time drags out, people slowly began giving up on searching for Lizzie—everyone except Hawthorn. Hawthorn believes that nothing damaging could have happened to Lizzie because she’s pretty, happy, and popular, thus causing Hawthorn to come up with an absurd theory that she soon convinces herself to be true with every passing day. Since Hawthorn knows nothing about Lizzie, she decides to integrate her life into as much of Lizzie’s as possible before her disappearance, from working at the same place Lizzie did to spending time with Lizzie’s boyfriend. The more Hawthorn learns about Lizzie, the more she’s sure her theory is correct; after all, girls like Lizzie don’t just disappear and die.

When I first begin reading, Lizzie Lovett’s mystery disappearance and Hawthorn’s quirky and unapologetic personality hooked me. Sadly, this did not last. I had thought that the main focus of the book would be about Hawthorn attempting to debunk the truth behind where Lizzie is, but it soon turned into Hawthorn desperately trying to prove that her theory is accurate; this becomes extremely repetitive and annoying half-way through the novel. From this, I do want to point out that I believe the description of the book proves misleading, as what I read did not fit the description. Additionally, although Hawthorn’s character was fun and fresh near the beginning, I soon realize how horrible of a person she is. She’s eccentric and has no filter, but she’s also just downright mean and inconsiderate to everyone around her, even though she seems to realize her problem. However, the principal reason that made me dislike this book is because of a relationship within the novel that’s weird, untimely, and even toxic at times. I won’t go into detail because I don’t want to spoil the book, but I despised the relationship with a burning passion; it made me cringe throughout my whole time reading (which was not a pleasant feeling).

In general, The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett has a plot with potential, but its execution failed to impress me. Don’t read this book if you’re expecting to find an exciting mystery.

-Review by Teen Advisory Board Member, 11/21/20

Book Series Review: Glittering Court Series

The Glittering Court (Book #1) by Richelle Mead

Reserve the eBook | Print Book | Playaway audiobook

Lady Elizabeth Witmore hates her life despite being as a part of the nobility with a great title and name because her fortune has been dwindling ever since her parent’s death. Realizing that she’ll be forced into an engagement with her cousin to survive, Elizabeth decides to take a risk and assumes the identity of her maid, Adelaide Bailey. Taking her place, Adelaide is soon sent to the Glittering Court, where it trains young ladies from disadvantaged lives to become noblewomen, and eventually sent overseas to Adoria (also known as the New World) to wed wealthy men. As Adelaide’s story travels from her world to the New World, she struggles to keep her true identity a secret, for if found, she’ll lose her only chance to freedom. Yet, along her journey, there’s one person who knows who she is: Cedric Thorn, the son of the man who co-owns the Glittering Court. Soon, the two begin to work together to help each others’ goals and soon find themselves falling for each other despite their unfavorable circumstances. Both must keep each other and their own aims a secret, bringing their relationship down a dangerous road.

Going into the book, I didn’t have any expectations since I’ve never read a book written by Richelle Mead. To be fair, I almost didn’t borrow this book from the e-library for reasons that I have already forgotten about, but let’s just say I’m so glad that I did. Now, I know that a lot of reviews compare this book to The Selection series, but let me assure you that it’s not like those books at all; it’s not another selection set in another world. For me, I was surprised by the book because, though it focused heavily on Adelaide and Cedric’s romance, it didn’t revolve around their relationship, which I genuinely appreciated. By doing this, Mead allows the reader to understand the ins-and-outs of the Glittering Court, as well as Adelaide’s roommates and close friends, Mirabel (Mira) Vianna and Tamsin Wright. It made the book feel more natural through the mix of Adelaide’s experiences, friendships, and relationships, and a great read overall. I was constantly rooting for Adelaide and Cedric, laughing at the conversations between the three roommates, and praising Adelaide’s daring actions.

This 100% worth the read. It’s the perfect book for those who love historical fiction with a twist of romance.

The Midnight Jewel (Book #2) by Richelle Mead

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Midnight Jewel is the second book to the Glittering Court series, and it follows the storyline of Mirabel (Mira) Viana, a strong-willed and independent girl who’s always been an outsider and shunned for where she came. After losing touch with her brother, Mira decides to go to Adoria (also known as the New World), where her brother had escaped to, by joining the Glittering Court. The Glittering Court is essentially a program for young ladies that come from underprivileged backgrounds that trains them for a year to become “proper”, and then ship them off the New World to marry the men who have settled there, where the men pay the Glittering Court for the ladies. For Mira, she only wants to go to Adoria to find her brother, and she cares less about who she marries; however, things take a turn when she meets Grant Elliott, a spy, and starts an alliance by working with him. As the two grow closer together, Mira starts to wonder if there’s more than friendship between her and Grant, and she questions herself about her previous statement about marriage.

Personally, I enjoyed this book more compared to The Glittering Court because I resonated with Mira’s character, and I liked how the plot focused more on Mira’s experience outside from the eyes of the Glittering Court. Additionally, I adored the relationship between Mira and Grant because it feels so raw, for it makes you want to rejoice at one moment and punch the wall immediately the next; it’s just so different from any other relationships I’ve read in books. The main reason why I loved Midnight Jewel is that it doesn’t continue the story from The Glittering Court but instead retells the story from another character’s lens, showing how the same place and time can tell a completely different story. By doing this, I was also able to understand a lot of other characters and their backgrounds that weren’t present in the first book. The only negative thing that I can find to say about this book is that if you haven’t read The Glittering Court, you may not fully understand how the Glittering Court operates since most of Mira’s story focuses on her time after she’s arrived at Adoria. Obviously, it’s okay if you didn’t, but you may be a bit confused, so I’d recommend that you do.

Now, should you read this? Yes. Midnight Jewel is no doubt beautifully combines romance and adventure into a book that you can’t put down. Whatever your taste is, I’d strongly recommend you give this book a shot.

The Emerald Sea (Book #3) by Richelle Mead

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The final book of The Glittering Court series follows the adventures of Tamsin Wright, a girl who’s willing to sacrifice everything for her family. After being accepted into the Glittering Court—a program that trains common girls into proper ladies and then sends them off to Adoria (or the New World) to marry the rich men there—Tamsin has her heart set on becoming the best and marrying the richest husband she can find, for the sake of her family’s future. During her time at the Glittering Court, Tamsin becomes best friends with her roommates, Mirabel (Mira) Viana and Adelaide Bailey. However, when Adelaide managed to snatch Tamsin’s spot of being the best out of the Glittering Court girls, Tamsin becomes angry and upset, ultimately cutting herself from her roommates to pursue her goal by taking a different ship to Adoria. When a storm strikes, Tamsin finds herself separated from the Glittering Court’s other ship, discovering they are far north from their destination. Gradually, Tamsin becomes the leader of this group of girls, as she learns about new cultures and forms alliances. Yet, when she crosses paths with tradesman Jago Robinson and kind-hearted minister Gideon Stewart, Tamsin finds herself falling in love. As she struggles with her attraction and her primary intent of coming over to the New World, Tamsin understands what she must do: no matter what, she must put her family first before her the secret that could ruin her plans comes out.

The Emerald Sea wonderfully wraps up the Glittering Court series, concluding all three girl’s journies. This book is just as amazing as the prior ones, and it will whisk you away while reading, as Tamsin’s unstoppable nature overcomes every obstacle in her way. Something that I extremely enjoyed about this is how Tamsin’s storyline is a bit different from Mira and Adelaide’s since she did take a different ship and ended up in another location due to the storm. Although it’s still parallel to The Glittering Court and Midnight Jewel, it uncovers another story that was much needed to be explained, nicely wrapping up the loose ends of the trilogy. Additionally, it feels really satisfying for me to finally have the answers to all my questions about Tamsin and her disappearances. Another reason why I loved this book lays in Tamsin emerging to be a more complicated and interesting character than I had previously imagined; I knew her story is complex and holds dangers, but never in the way that was revealed in the book. Everything I read was so eye-opening and fell in place perfectly.

I would definitely suggest you read The Emerald Sea and all the books in the Glittering Court series because this series is unlike any other I’ve read (especially its concurrent events)—just read it!

-Review by Teen Advisory Board Member, 11/21/20

Book Review: Take Me With You

Take Me With You by Tara Altebrando

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This book follows four high schoolers- Eden, Eli, Marwan, and Ilanka. They all barely know each other, but somehow find themselves in an empty music classroom after school. They each got a message from their music teacher that they should meet him there, but he is nowhere to be seen. Instead, all they find is a small black cube. They are all confused and annoyed that they have been wasting their time- until the black box lights up with some words: ‘Do not tell anyone about the device. Never leave the device unattended.’ And then the most mysterious of the messages- ‘Take me with you… or else.’ They all follow along- it’s probably just some prank or some type of test from the school. But they’re all really busy- they can’t waste their time on some dumb prank. But as the rules get even more mysterious and chilling their not sure what to do. Should they leave the box… even when they don’t know the price?

I really liked the characters in this book and how it switched perspectives. It was a little hard since it switched at each chapter, but I still think it really helped build suspense in the story. I also liked how each character had a side plot going on, it really helped keep the story interesting. I also really like how this book connects to AI.

Another thing I really liked about this book was the accuracy at the life of a teenager- everything in this book is something I can imagine happening in real life!

This book is super fast paced and there is never really a slow moment. I don’t usually like thriller books, but this one is amazing and is really a very good book for a broad range of readers. I would recommend it for anyone looking for a good book, but just keep in mind that this book is a little chilling. I actually give this book 5/5 stars! It’s a really great book and I really loved it!

-Review by Teen Advisory Board Member, 11/23/20

Book Review: Skyhunter

Skyhunter by Marie Lu

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This novel is about Talin, a striker for Mara, the last free nation as she fights to keep the Karensa Federation away from her home. The Federation creates Ghosts by taking humans and changing the way they look and act. When a prisoner of war, Red, is captured, Talin saves him and they become striker and shield. Together with Adena and Jeran, they fight to keep hope alive in Mara. 

The characters are AMAZING. They are probably one of my favorite parts. First of all, the main character Talin. She is extremely smart and is a true fighter. When escaping her home, Basea, she loses her voice to poisonous gas and has to use sign language as a result. She is treated as an outcast even though she is a striker, one of the highest ranking people. She rarely complains about her situation (I know I definitely would have). She was a great character to read from. Next is Red, the Skyhunter. I loved reading Red’s backstory about how he got his wings and how his story and Talin’s connected. Something I appreciated was how romance was never forced onto Talin and Red even though they were literally in each other’s’ minds (however, I predict that the next book will go into it further). Lastly, Adena and Jeran. Their dynamic is amazing. Adena is very smart and is the one that ends up finding a way to prevent Ghosts from attacking humans. Jeran is very loyal and has a great heart (I also totally ship Jeran and Aramin, the Firstblade). The four of them make a great team and almost succeeds in bringing down the Federation. Bonus character: Talin’s mom. Talin’s mom is so cool! She is supportive of Talin and understands the danger that comes with the job. 

This book is also very action packed. So many things happened and there was not one moment where I was bored. The worldbuilding was great and everything was described well. It was cool to see the contrast between the Federation and Mara. There are also a lot of discussions about discrimination which I appreciated. One more thing: the cover is beautiful. 

The one complaint I have is that it was sort of predictable. Sure there were some parts where I didn’t see something coming, but for the most part, the plot followed the basic fantasy formula. It was also slightly unrealistic. For example, Adena comes up with a way to defeat the Federation in almost a day, something people haven’t been able to do for a very long time. There were also a lot of conflicts that seemed to sway in favor of the group. There were many near death moments especially when the group went to the Federation but somehow made it out. The ending was also slightly flat in comparison to the rest of the book even though it ends on a (predictable) cliffhanger. 

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and flew through it. I would give this book a 4.5/5 stars, knocking off half a star for the predictability. If you want an action packed book with great characters then this book is for you! 

-Review by Teen Advisory Board Member, 11/11/20

Library Latest–December 8, 2020

Children’s Librarian Amy is here with our newest nonfiction!

Who Gives a Poop?: Surprising Science from One End to the Other by Heather L. Montgomery|request the book

Soccer Goalie / El Portero by Tracie Santos and Pablo de la Vega| request the book

Citlali and the Day of the Dead / Citlali y el Dia de Muertos by Berta de Llano| request the book

I am Gandhi: a Graphic Biography of a Hero by Brad Meltzer| request the book

Women in Sports: Megan Rapinoe by Mary Hertz Scarbrough| request the book

Women in Sports: Naomi Osaka by Mary Hertz Scarbrough| request the book

Math at the Market by Elise Craver| request the book

Great Minds and Finds in Africa by Mike Downs| request the book

First Fire: a Cherokee Story by Brad Wagnon and Alex Stephenson| request the book

Behind the Bookcase: Miep Gies, Anne Frank, and the Hiding Place by Barbara Lowell| request the book

If you’d like to request the physical copy of any of these items click on the link to the catalog and place your hold. 

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