The library's temporary locations are at the Beech Street Center and the E.C. Benton Library. For more information, including hours of operation, please click here.

Trustee Gift Program

Gifts to the Belmont Public Library enhance our programs and services, enriching the experience of all our patrons. We deeply appreciate your support and thoughtfulness in choosing to contribute, especially with so many other worthy causes to consider.

The Board of Library Trustees offers the following gift suggestions:

1. Gifts – A gift is particularly valuable because it affords flexibility in meeting the changing needs of a dynamic institution. Gifts could be used alone or with other gifts at the discretion of the Board of Library Trustees to enrich the programs and services of the Belmont Public Library.

2. To remember a friend or relative – With a donation of any amount, you can make a lasting tribute in memory of a friend or relative. The family will be notified of the memorial gift without mention of the amount.

3. A gift to commemorate a special occasion – Gifts are appropriate to honor a special occasion including birthdays, graduations, weddings, the birth of a child, anniversaries or retirements. The person honored will be notified of this gift.

4. A bequest – A bequest is a gift made in a will. The beneficiary of a bequest should be the “Belmont Public Library.”

For further information, please contact the Library Director at 617-489-2000.

Click here to print a donation form and drop off your donation at the Library or mail to Belmont Public Library PO Box 125, Belmont, MA 02478.

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