The library's temporary locations are at the Beech Street Center and the E.C. Benton Library. For more information, including hours of operation, please click here.

Privacy Policy

The Belmont Public Library is dedicated to protecting the privacy of our patrons to the fullest extent of the law.  In accordance with the requirements of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 78, Section 7, and in accordance with the recommendations of the American Library Association and the Minuteman Library Network, the Belmont Public Library recognizes that all patron records and the information within them, shall be confidential and will not be divulged to anyone other than the user except under presentation of a subpoena or search warrant. All inquiries for patron information made by government agents should be referred to the Library Director, or his/her designee.

Procedure:  All inquiries for patron information should be referred to the Library Director or designated alternate.

Reference: Code of Ethics of the American Library Association

Policy on Confidentiality of Library Records

The legal custodian of records for the Belmont Public Library is the Library Director. As the legal custodian of records, the Library Director is the person responsible for responding to any request for library records or information about a library user.

The Library Director designates The Coordinators of Public Service, Technology & Technical Services, and Children’s Services to serve as persons responsible for responding to any request for library records or information about a library user when the Library Director is absent or unavailable.

The circulation and registration records of the Belmont Public Library shall not be made available to any third party nor any law enforcement agency of a local, state, or federal government except when a court order in proper form, issued by a court of competent jurisdiction after a showing of good cause, is presented to the library by the law enforcement agency or person seeking the records.

No library employee or volunteer may release library records or reveal information about a library user to any third party or law enforcement agent unless authorized to do so by the Library Director or the Library Director’s designated alternate.

The Library Director is responsible for ensuring that every library employee and volunteer is provided with a copy of this policy.

Adopted by the Belmont Board of Library Trustees
12/16/ 2008

Amended June 2019



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