Book Review: A Thousand Splendid Suns

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is a novel that follows the lives of two women in Afghanistan. The book is split into four parts, each of which spend time focusing on the lives of the main characters, Mariam and Laila. It starts in the early 1960s from the perspective of 15 year old Mariam, who is the illegitimate daughter of a rich man and his maid. Due to her circumstances, she and her mother are sent to live on the outskirts of her father’s town where he does not need to be reminded of his affair. At the same time, hundreds of miles away, Laila is born into a loving family with two older brothers.
After a series of unfortunate events, Mariam is married off to a much older man so her father could get rid of her once and for all. This man just so happens to live on the very same street as Laila, so they become neighbors. Over the next nineteen years, Mariam faces abuse from her husband while the political climate in Afghanistan gradually rises. Laila’s mother gets increasingly distant when her two sons leave to train for war, which leaves Laila’s father to be the only one their daughter can truly go to for support. When the tension in the country finally snaps, Laila’s house is bombed and she turns out to be the only survivor of her loved ones. Mariam reluctantly takes her under her wing with her abusive husband, and the two of them eventually form an unbreakable bond against all odds.
This story is able to incorporate the struggles that Mariam and Laila face while the raging conflict around them destroys their country. We see how their contrasting childhood experiences impact how they interact and work through the same situation. From dealing with abusive parents and partners to civil wars and dictatorships, the characters learn the importance of sharing meaningful connections with one another in the face of adversity.
Most readers of our generation would agree that the novel serves as an insightful window into another life. It shows us different perspectives of the same situation, which allows us to fully immerse ourselves into the story. It does not provide any direct context of the time it is set in – instead, it gives you glimpses of these things through the lens of the characters. This makes the reality of what is happening in Afghanistan that much more relevant as readers can empathize with them on a personal level. The story can also offer a mirror for some people as it explores universal human experiences such as love, loss, and perseverance.
Overall, A Thousand Splendid Suns is an important piece of literature for those who want to better understand the difficult events unfolding around the world, past or present. Some important content warnings include violence, assault, and verbal and physical abuse. While this book is certainly not for the faint of heart, I would recommend it to anyone who wants to explore new viewpoints and hardships because it brings the reader on an emotional journey that allows for a fulfilling ending.
–Review by Teen Volunteer, 9/21/24