Resources for Middle School Students

Books (and eBooks)

Discover new books in the YA Room! We have Tween, Teen, Graphic Novels, Manga, and Nonfiction all in one easy-to-access space.

Browse the Catalog

Want books to go? Download the SORA app on your device and you can download eAudio and eBooks with your school email.


If you have a library card handy, take advantage of our Hoopla App for instant access eContent.

Hoopla Digital


With a library card, you can use some of our databases full of teacher-approved resources.

Mango Languages

Britannica School Edition

Gale in Context: Middle School

Salem Literature

Historical Newspapers

Community Service

Beginning in 6th Grade, you can join Teen Advisory Board, a student-based organization that helps the library create new programs and services for teens.

TAB Application

You can also earn volunteer hours by reading books and writing reviews for…

Spoiler Alert

Winter Reading Challenge

Join the Challenge