Quest Logs: Finn’s Game

Finn’s Game: Session 1

Date: 06/29/2021
Party Members: Artemis, Athaeos, and DAVE
Location: East Reach

We arrived on a boat at the beautiful jungle island of Tulch in a port at Karnashbok. From there, a guide took us on a path to see Doroks, the Lizardfolk high council member in the capitol city. He told us to look at some Yuan-ti disturbances and find out why they’re pushing into Lizardfolk territory and how to stop them. We then got on a rowboat and went on a river to the edge of Lizardfolk territory. We fought a pack of velociraptors, defeated them, and found a friendly-looking Yuan-ti named Kluy’bottu, who gave us some information on a nearby warlord camp. We went, scouted it out, and began to attack it. Kluy’bottu cut down 2 guards in quick succession, then the session ended.

Anything others should know:
There is a group of pacifist Yuan-ti living on Tulch in a mountain in the south east.

Items of Interest:
Kluy’bottu has a fancy scimitar, but we did not get any items yet.

Finn’s Game: Session 2

Date: 07/02/2021
Party Members: Jerome, Link, Tigger, Luis, and Artemis
Location: Tulch; in the East Reach

Picking back up during combat, a purple orb appeared and sucked in Athaeos and Dave before spitting out four new adventurers; Jerome, Link, Tigger, and Luis. Together, we were able to kill most of the guards while Kluy’bottu dueled with a yuan-ti warlord. The battle ended with Kluy’bottu killing the warlord, at which point we realized that he was not just a simple outcast. He was actually Tt’ubokyul, the disgraced yuan-ti war god, somehow still alive after 200 years. We were all gifted magic items and were “graciously” spared in thanks for our help. Since we’re unable to teleport or send messages due to some sort of jammer in Tt’ubokyul’s possession, I guess we’re staying around for the party!

Anything Others Should Know:
Tt’ubokyul is still alive! And he is planning to take down the other warlords to unite the yuan-ti and conquer first the lizardfolk, then march on Praxlarr.

Items of Interest:
A Scroll of the Wild was also spit out of the purple orb, and we all got new magic items courtesy of Tt’ubokyul. These include a Bracelet of Clammy Grasp, Boots of Questionable Stealth, a staff called Flamelash, the Showoff’s Rapier, and a few swords made of tinfoil with a 1/100 chance of insta-killing certain enemies.

Finn’s Game: Session 3

Date: 07/06/2021
Party Members: Athaeos the willbreaker, and Dave
Location: Tulch; in the East Reach

We escaped the Yuan-ti camp that was recently taken over by Tt’ubokyul, acquiring two items from him. We temporarily banished Tt’ubokyul, so we could escape with 4 Lizardfolk prisoners. We ran away, Yuan-ti pursuing us. We ran away during a speech about how Tt’ubokyul and the Yuan-ti we’re going to attack the pacifist Yuan-ti who live on the mountain.The Yuan-ti caught up to us, so we had to quickly hide, but one of the Lizardfolk kept running. His location and health remain unknown. The area we hid in was home to a shambling mound, and we had to fight it. We destroyed the monster, but Athaeos took heavy damage. We tried to set up camp and sleep, yet quickly realized there was someone spying on us. We threatened to hurt them if they moved, and interrogated them to see who they were.

It turns out, she was one of the Yuan-ti who lives on the mountain, and was quite an inventor. She had a prosthetic tail, and a robot with her that she had made with technology she had dubbed “arcanotech”. We told her that Tt’ubokyul was back, and she yelled, frightened. Suddenly, we saw lights approaching in the distance, signifying that the Yuan-ti were coming back around to look for us. We ran away together, eventually setting up camp for the night. The next day we went to the mountain and talked about how we would defend the place from Tt’ubokyul, where she then handed us a weapon that we could use (the IKELOS_SR_V1.0.2) and showed off her other devices. She then told us how we could get more magic power crystals so she could charge more robots to fight Tt’ubokyul’s army with. We traveled to a cave so we could get the crystals, but someone followed us. Then we encountered Tt’ubokyul, who shot at us and offered to not kill us if we left the island for good. Dave then shot Tt’ubokyul with the IKELOS sniper. Then, a purple chaos portal appeared and Tt’ubokyul got sucked into it. Athaeos threw his brick into the portal. We found the entrance to the cave and climbed in.

Anything Others Should Know:
Tt’ubokyul and his warriors are attacking other Yuan-ti tribes to gather control so they can fight the lizardfolk.

Items of Interest:
The Brick of Loyalty (currently flying around ritenus trying to get back to Athaeos), A Magic Jammer, and the IKELOS_SR_V1.0.2

Finn’s Game: Session 4

Date: 7/13/2021
Party Members: Athaeos, Dave, and Kovri
Location: Tulch; inside a large, winding magical cave

Athaeos and Dave, joined by Kovri, entered into a cavern that they were sent to to find magical crystals. Inside, they find and kill a few giant wasps, a Babau, and several Myconids. Going further into the cave system, they encounter a strange sight: Several figures enthralled by a pool of water, in which memories can be seen replaying on loop. The light reflecting from the pool makes the creatures seem like people; Tabaxi and Firbolg. On one of the walls, a carving can be seen; a poem, written in common. When read, the cave wall opened up, revealing an ominous passageway…

Anything Others Should Know:
Under at least Tulch, but maybe other islands, there is a great amount of ancient magic and creatures never seen on the surface. Also the poem had a lot of lore.

Items of Interest:
A pair of Ethereal Boxing Gloves were found attached to a large glowing mushroom. The Brick of Loyalty has yet to return…

The Poem on the Wall

Far above, far below. Those who heed my magic; to the former or latter will fall.
Take all that is needed, though before you do, to my story; be enthralled.
There were Six most powerful beings who took. They rule their own domain.
My essence shields them from the gods, a mortal must be their bane.

On this very island; the Strength Six lies.
Long years of waiting, so soon, to arise.
Dexterity is everywhere. A hive-mind, conglomerate.
Though be warned, many sit beyond this wall. They will not listen to anything moderate. Constitution lies away in the cold.
Only a threat if approached, by one who is stupid, and bold.
Wisdom and Intelligence are much closer than thought, but do not cower.
They are not warriors; they are more; holding great seats of power.
The last one seems normal; they are an enigma.
So always watch your back, or be blinded by charisma.

To know is to win. Always gauge your enemies power.
You mustn’t fail, or it is all they will devour.