Daily Dungeon: Mysterious Deaths Spark Investigation

Teaser for Finn’s Game beginning 6/29:

Janrax rips through the dense brush of the jungle. It’s getting closer. He keeps running, not looking back. The rumbling grows louder and louder. Leaves and branches fall off the shuddering trees. He trips on an outstretched root and goes tumbling to the dirt. Giving up, he looks back. Emerging from the bushes is a beast far deadlier than any.  Janrax resigns to his fate and sits upright. “You’re dead! You died 200 years ago! But I guess that could never stop you.” Janrax sighs. “May our kind reign supreme once more. Don’t fail us again”. Janrax bows his head as a sword is lifted above it. The milliseconds feel like hours, but in an instant, the sword cuts through Janrax’s scales and neck like a leaf through the wind. His head topples off. The figure looks down upon his fallen enemy and hisses. “Three to go”.

Finn’s Game will run from 10:30-1:00 on Tuesdays and Fridays. Register your character to play!