Library Latest–September 18, 2020

Enjoy these titles from our new fiction section!
The last passenger by Charles Finch | request the book | OverDrive eBook | OverDrive eAudio | hoopla eAudio
Death in Avignon by Serena Kent | request the book
Utopia Avenue by David Mitchell | request the book | book on CD | OverDrive eBook | OverDrive eAudio
Walk the wire by David Baldacci | request the book | book on CD | Playaway | OverDrive eBook | OverDrive eAudio
A hundred suns by Karin Tanabe | request the book | large print | OverDrive eBook
Dragon bike edited by Ellie Blue | request the book
A man by Keiichiro Hirano | request the book
A beginning at the end by Mike Chen | request the book | OverDrive eBook
The authenticity project by Claire Pooley | request the book | OverDrive eBook | OverDrive eAudio
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