Library Latest — July 20, 2020

Explore the US and beyond with these travel biographies!
Across the US:
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig | request the book | book on CD | OverDrive eBook | OverDrive eAudio
Spirit run by Noé Alvarez| request the book | OverDrive eBook
The Oregon Trail by Rinker Buck | request the book | OverDrive eAudio
Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck | request the book | book on CD | OverDrive eBook | OverDrive eAudio
Beyond the US, part 1:
In a sunburned country by Bill Bryson | request the book | OverDrive eBook | OverDrive eAudio
From here to eternity by Caitlin Doughty | request the book | book on CD
Barbarian days by William Finnegan| request the book | OverDrive eBook
The tenth island by Diana Marcum | request the book
Beyond the US, part 2:
The cat who covered the world by Christopher S. Wren | request the book
Running in the family by Michael Ondaatje | request the book | OverDrive eBook
From scratch by Tembi Locke | request the book | OverDrive eAudio
Adventure divas by Holly Morris | request the book
Nature and Survival, part 1:
Love with a chance of drowning by Torre DeRoche | request the book
Sole searching on the Appalachian Trail by Sam “Sam I am” Ducharme | request the book
Mother of God by Paul Rosolie | request the book
That wild country by Mark Kenyon | request the book
Nature and Survival, part 2:
Into thin air by Jon Karkauer | request the book | large print | OverDrive eBook
Wild by Cheryl Strayed| request the book | book on CD | OverDrive eBook | OverDrive eAudio
Up by Patricia Ellis Herr | request the book
438 days by Jonathan Franklin | request the book | book on CD | OverDrive eAudio
Travel for Teens:
No summit out of sight by Jordan Romero with Linda LeBlanc | request the book | OverDrive eBook | OverDrive eAudio
The American Dream? by Shing Yin Khor | request the book
You can never find a rickshaw when it monsoons by Mo Willems | hoopla eBook
Diary of a Tokyo teen by Christine Mari Inzer | request the book
If you’d like to request the physical copy of any of these items click on the link to the catalog and place your hold.
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