The Monster Within: Experience of the Outsider

Join the Human Rights Commission, Belmont Against Racism, and the Library for a discussion about society’s inherent need to label what we don’t understand, inspired by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.
Thursday, October 18th
7pm, Library Assembly Room
Light refreshments served
One of the most poignant and disturbing aspects of Frankenstein is the monster’s experience of rejection and isolation due to his physical appearance. While Victor Frankenstein chooses self-imposed solitude in pursuit of his scientific ambitions, the monster’s suffering is imposed upon him by those he so desperately wishes to befriend. He is treated as the outsider, a reception that leads to devastating consequences. Who is the monster here?
Join a conversation about the monster within and the experience of the outsider.
How does someone come to identify as an outsider? How do we contribute to this outsider status? What are the consequences? How do bring others in?
Join us as we take perspective on this experience in our lives and society.