The library's temporary locations are at the Beech Street Center and the E.C. Benton Library. For more information, including hours of operation, please click here.

Collection Policy for Tangible Gifts

Collection Policy for Tangible Gifts | Art, Sculpture, Rare Books Furniture Etc.

The Board of Library Trustees has established the following guidelines that apply to a gift of tangible property to the Library:

  1. Acceptance in each case is determined by the resolution of the Board of Library Trustees or by the Director pursuant to authority granted by the Board of Library Trustees. The Board of Library Trustees will acknowledge all gifts but in no instance will said Board apply a monetary value to the gift. The donor or his/her lawful representative will complete such reasonable acknowledgement or gift grant form(s), if any, as the Trustees require.
  2. The criteria for a gift will be the same as the criteria for an item purchased by the Library. Any gift must be of aesthetic and/or historical interest.
  3. A gift shall not involve additional expense for its present or future use, display maintenance, or administration unless such expense is approved or covered by new or existing funds provided for this purpose.
  4. Any item given as a gift becomes the sole property of the Library.  The Library will be the sole determinant of its use/display. Any gift accepted may be kept, displayed, sold, donated, or discarded at the discretion of the Board of Library Trustees.

Approved June 10, 2008

Amended August 22, 2018

Amended December 21st 2021

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